My photo
Eugene, Oregon, United States
I believe my generation has the unique opportunity to save the world. If no action is taken, the world will see catastrophic climate change within the next half century, the cost of which will be measured in human lives. But at this pivotal moment, we have a window of opportunity. We can create the just, sustainable and prosperous future that we seek. I am a Vassar student spending my junior year at the University of Oregon, and I am going to Copenhagen this December to do everything I can to ensure that a mutual survival pact is agreed upon, not a suicide pact.

Monday, November 30, 2009

My Copenhagen Cell Phone

I will get free incoming calls and texts in Copenhagen (your long distance rates will apply)!

Here is my number:

Calling from the US

Calling from Copenhagen (or anywhere els)

T Minus Two Days

Wow, I can't believe I am leaving in two days!  Bring on the stress headache!

I got up this morning and immediately started calling media contacts for our lobby day that we are holding today and tomorrow.  I am lobbying Senators Wyden and Merkley at their Eugene office today and tomorrow with a student group and in solidarity with students lobbying in Portland and Salem to ask our Senators to strengthen the climate bill in four specific ways:
  • Require 25% of our electricity to come from clean, renewable
              sources by 2025.
  • Utilities should be required to use one third of all emission allowances allocated
              for investments in energy efficiency.
  • Retain the EPA’s authority to regulate stationary sources of
              greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Include funding for adaptation for here and abroad.
We are bringing in a collage we made of over 500 pictures of students with wind turbines!  

We are also asking Senator Merkley to meet with members of the Cascade Climate Network in Copenhagen since he will be there.  I am very excited because Jeremiah Baumann (Senator Merkley's lead environment guy) just replied to my email this morning and said that as soon as they figure out what their schedule will look like, he wants to schedule a meeting with us!

A Quick Update on the Last Few Weeks

This article, from the New York Times' Green Inc. Column, gives a quick rundown of what has been going on in the weeks leading up to COP 15.

About the conference and my role(s)

 I am going to Copenhagen as a member of several different groups: Youth for Family Planning as a Just Climate Change Solution, the Cascade Climate Network, Oxfam America, and as a foreign correspondent for KPOV Bend Community Radio.  I will be attending the Conference of the Youth (COY) on Dec. 4-5 where hundreds of young people from around the world will be meeting with each other to craft the message we will send to the larger conference.  I am  accredited through Youth for Family Planning as a Just Climate Change Solution to be an official observer at the COP 15 (Conference of the Parties No. 15) negotiations as part of the US youth delegation.