My photo
Eugene, Oregon, United States
I believe my generation has the unique opportunity to save the world. If no action is taken, the world will see catastrophic climate change within the next half century, the cost of which will be measured in human lives. But at this pivotal moment, we have a window of opportunity. We can create the just, sustainable and prosperous future that we seek. I am a Vassar student spending my junior year at the University of Oregon, and I am going to Copenhagen this December to do everything I can to ensure that a mutual survival pact is agreed upon, not a suicide pact.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Another Successful Lobby Meeting

Maneesh Arora, Kelsey Ward, Casey Gifford, Karyn Smoot, and me outside the Eugene courthouse before delivering our photo petition!

Less than an hour ago, four other students and I met with Senator Wyden's Eugene Field Representative to ask Senator Wyden to strengthen the climate bill.  She was very receptive to our asks (Require 25% of our electricity to come from clean, renewable sources by 2025; Utilities should be required to use one third of all emission allowances allocated for investments in energy efficiency; Retain the EPA’s authority to regulate stationary sources of greenhouse gas emissions; Include funding for adaptation for here and abroad) as well as candid about the type of feedback they receive in their office.  She brought up an interesting point - there are no young people who are actively mobilizing against stopping climate change.  The only people who call in to say they want things to stay the same are people from the older generations.  She said that since the climate bill has been pushed behind other reform (health care, jobs stimulus, finance) in the senate, the best time for us to come back in would be early February, and she suggested that we video conference the D.C. office.  I am looking forward to following through with this opportunity!

I leave tomorrow morning at 8am!  Now it is time to pack, meet with profs about finals, and take care of everything I need to do before I leave the states.  Copenhagen here I come!

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