My photo
Eugene, Oregon, United States
I believe my generation has the unique opportunity to save the world. If no action is taken, the world will see catastrophic climate change within the next half century, the cost of which will be measured in human lives. But at this pivotal moment, we have a window of opportunity. We can create the just, sustainable and prosperous future that we seek. I am a Vassar student spending my junior year at the University of Oregon, and I am going to Copenhagen this December to do everything I can to ensure that a mutual survival pact is agreed upon, not a suicide pact.

Friday, December 11, 2009

The Feel of Hopenhagen

Jeremy, one of the organizers of Powershift West, and one of my friends who is also here with the CCN, is also a much better blogger than I am.  Here is his overview of Copenhagen and COP15 made up of good pictures and their captions.  I think he does a really good job of giving the feel of the city and the conference.  Read his post here.

1 comment:

  1. Jeremy's pictures and comments are so alive! Terrific. Too bad we can't dupicate Copenhagen all over the U;S.


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